Cretzschmar’s Bunting in Utö
On Saturday the 17th of August we woke up early and at 5:30 we were already driving towards Helsinki. Bird fair was once again in Viikki and Hanna had to be there. She also had BirdLife meeting on Sunday.
On the parking place in Viikki we met Kai Hilditch who told he was going to continue to Parainen Utö island which was also my plan. He still went to try to twitch an American Wigeon first. So I went to see many friends that were still building their tents and making everything ready for the fair. When the fair was about to begin I had to start driving towards Parainen.
Olave Kemppainen sent an update that Cretzschmar’s Bunting was still in Utö so I called to him and asked if he was going to be there also in the evening. Then Olavi told me that he also had an accommodation for 3 by only himself there. So I asked if “Kaitsu” could also stay there, but of course Olavi had to first ask if it was OK for the house-owner. But anyway I called to Kaitsu and we planned to continue driving with one car. So I stopped to Lohja ABC to eat and soon we were continuing with Kaitsu’s Mercedes.
Soon we got a message that the price for the night in the apartment was extremely high so we decided to stay in our ordinary plan. Kaitsu had a tent I had planned to sleep under the sky. We were talking all the time and time went fast. So we were already on the ferry to Nauvo when we realized that we were in a really bad hurry! So we drove fast the last 20 kilometers and were in the harbor 4 minutes before the ferry was about to leave! And sometimes the ferry leaves early…
Anyway we managed to get all our stuff into the ferry and Kaitsu managed to park his car and run to the ferry in time.
We climbed up to the deck and seawatched all the way but there really weren’t many birds. Just one Black Guillemot, some Arctic Skuas and a family of Velvet Scoters and so on were seen.
Finally we were in Utö at 5:45 p.m. and we carried our stuff next to the chapel and soon found Olavi and a big group of twitchers that had been searching the bunting whole day. After Olavi had seen the bird in early morning they had only heard it calling and a couple of other people had seen it breafly. The last observation was already 4 hours ago.
So we spread to a couple places where the bunting had been seen most, next to the chapel and next to the lighthouse. I once saw a good-looking candidate in flight and landing almost to a top of one tree bit it just vanished. We were searching and searching and also Ville Wallinmaa, who had found the bird again after it had been missing for 5 days, came to help us but the bird wasn’t found.
The twitcher-group had to leave with their rental-boat but we kept on searching until the evening. Then I got a call from Olavi that the price of the accommodation had been a mistake (or then the owner just wanted to get some money) and it was now 50€ per person. So soon we were carrying our stuff there.
We still made a late evening walk with Kaitsu but found nothing really. But it was good to get familiar with the island. Then we went to sleep early.
On Sunday the 18th of August we woke up at 5:30 and at 6 we were already out and searching for the bunting. At 6:30 we met with the rest of birders, Toni Kukkola and 3 twitchers from Savo who had been sleeping in their tents. First we tried to play some call in the place where Olavi had seen the bird on the previous morning but we had no luck.
So soon we spread again to those two main-areas where the most observations had been made. We went to the lighthouse and while we were walking there I saw a good-looking bird flying over us but it disappeared behind the buildings. After some waiting and playbacking we met Jorma Tenovuo who is the only resident birder on the island. He told that most observations had been made right in front of us but the best way to find the bird wasn’t waiting or playbacking but walking through the vegetation.
So when all the birders were there we started to walk through the area very carefully. We walked through the best looking area but found no bunting. Anyway we decided to walk back through the same area and then suddenly Kaitsu saw a good-looking bird landing to bushes close to us. We walked around the bush and then started to walk towards the bush so the rest of us could surely see it coming out from the bush in good light. And soon the bird flushed in front of me and landed to the rock – there it was! It was just behind a bush for me but I took a couple of steps and saw the Cretzschmar’s Bunting extremely well and managed to get some pictures too before the bird flew to the next bushes.
We still carefully pushed the bird visible once and then it stayed on the rock for a couple of minutes. So we managed to get some more pictures before it finally flew a little bit longer distance and landed close to some buildings. So we decided to let it be as there were more twitchers coming in the afternoon.
We decided to go birding to other parts of the island and saw a Common Shelduck, a Gadwall, a couple of Slavonian Grebes and a young Red Knot flew over us and so on. We also tried to find a family of Barred Warblers that probably were still around but didn’t find them.
The day started to get hot and birds were really difficult to find so at noon we walked back to the lighthouse with Toni and soon the next group of twitchers arrived. We told them what we thought was the best way to find the bunting and soon they started walking through the same area. But then I saw a bird landing to a top of a tree in opposite direction and there it was again! Soon it landed to a bush next to one building but luckily the whole group managed to find it from there. There was at least one birder who had already his third try to see this bird!
We were already in hurry so we couldn’t go to get more pictures of the bird but we had to start walking towards the harbor. I picked up my stuff from the apartment and soon climbed to the deck of the ferry again.
The ferry left at 1 p.m. and we were again seawatching most of the way back to Pärnäs. But we saw only a Long-tailed Duck and a Caspian Tern, nothing else really.
Finally we were in Pärnäs and soon we had packed Kaitsu’s car and started driving again. In Salo we stopped to eat and then we tried to twitch a Ferruginous Duck without luck. It was already too late and even though we found a promising-looking bird it was already too dark to identify it as it was only sleeping. Soon we were in Lohja ABC and it was time to say thanks and goodbye to Kaitsu.
I continued to Vantaa Jumbo where I picked up Hanna and we still had a long drive to Parikkala. On the way in Simpele Kokkolanjoki we saw an Eagle Owl in flight and right after we had arrived at Parikkala we saw a Ural Owl. We were at home at 2 a.m. It had been a long twitching trip but it had been really fun!